Originally Posted by Sassy
Well now we know what McCain meant yesterday in his Obama congratulatory ad when he said "tomorrow it's back to business as usual". He had a bit of a surprise for Ole Obama. ROFL

Boy did he ever!! No wonder he was smiling as he was, he had his finger on the Bomb release button!! smirk

I been watching some of the Dem Female political annalists, they're studdering/stammering like their Granny-Panties are all bunched up! Miss-speaking their sentences like they're reading off a dyslexic teleprompter grin

They've even gone so far as to attack the music that was played when Governor Palin approached the podium. They referred to is the "Rocky" theme, when in actuality is was sound byte from the Movie "Rudy".
Here's the music. Crank up the volume on your speakers!

Last edited by DesertSandman; 08/29/08.

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Know guns, know peace, know safety
No guns, no peace, no safety