Originally Posted by Everyday Hunter
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by Everyday Hunter
Originally Posted by derby_dude
I think all you young pups are thinking with your little head instead of your big head.

Yup she is cute but I have trouble with a women who is suppose to be conservative with 5 kids that someone else has to care for especially with one that has DS. That's not conservative to me.

A conservative women would stay home to tend to the kids.

I feel sorry for her children without a Mom. frown

I thought a real woman could have it all -- career, kids, yada, yada. A conservative comes along with the life the feminazis have been preaching that all women can have, she has 5 kids, refuses an abortion, rises to the top in a man's world, she's beautiful, and suddenly she's accused of not being conservative. You'd rather she was ugly?


I think it says somewhere in the Bible that man can't serve two Masters. That says it all with the two career woman as far as I'm concerned.

By applying that to a woman and not to a man, you're either befuddled, or are feigning befuddlement.


I'm not befuddled. Since time immortal, it was the man's job to bring home the bacon and the woman's job to be the care giver and nurturer. That's why women get pregnant and not men. The traditional family is still the best way to raise kids after everything else has been tried. On this I'm an ultra ultra ultra conservative. I've seen the results with other methods and it ain't pretty. Why do you think our prisons are over flowing.

Those who choose to have children have to make the children priority #1 and everything else second. In this day and age, with most of us reaching longer longevity, there is plenty of time to pursue other careers after the kids have grown up. And yes this applies to men too.

And one more thing while I'm at it seeing as how I'm going out on a long limb and sticking my foot in my mouth, I'm sick and tired of Right-Wing Christians who preach family values and the first thing the jettison is the kids to pursue secular careers.

There now that I've pi$$ed everyone off, I'm outta here!!!!

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude