Originally Posted by Everyday Hunter
Thinking of the VP matchup of Biden vs. Palin, I didn't think Biden was a good choice for O'bama, and I think he is even a worse choice now.

I think Biden was chosen in the expectation that McCain would pick Romney or Pawlenty because he could beat up on them. Palin's selection changes that equation considerably.


Never under estimate the big mouth on Joe Biden. He's had both of his feet in it several times over the years. I look to our buddy Joe to do it again and to sign the final death stroke to the Obama/Biden ticket.

At least if they lose bad enough the conservatives may get their chance to throw the left out of the party it would be a real win win for America.

Have to say I was tickled to no end when Obama choose the mouth.

Last edited by 17ACKLEYBEE; 08/29/08.

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