McCain and the RNC has just shut down Obamas' "bounce".
they have pulled off a coupe and trumped the Dems. Hillary now believes she is a viable lump of flesh (yuck) for 2012.
Gov. Palin is a conservative, pro-life, lifetime NRA, takes no prisoners and in high school she was known by her basketball teamates as "barricuda". Her son is in the Army and will be sent to Afganistan.
The Dems are hysterical and lashing out in any way they can.
This will turn off many moderate woman and guess where they will go.
She sold the States' plane, the limo, cut over 30 large State projects as too spendy including the "bridge to no where". She took on cronyism including Ted Stevens.

Romney, Pawlenty, Lieberman and others may have future jobs in the McCain Administration.

I can't wait to have the arrogant, pompous Biden debate her.

Don't pass judgment until you become more informed.

I was a tepid McCain supporter. I am now going to send money.

My home is the "sanctuary residence" for my firearms.