Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Interesting Penny; whats your thinking that gives ya the push?

She is for the same things that I am for: pro-gun, pro-life, conservative. She seems to have a high level of integrity and capability.

It's about time that someone (a woman) showed the men of this world that just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean that's the only gift that God gave her.

About 20+ years ago, I served a stint as my university's Director of Academic Computing. Back then we had a big mainframe computer (VAX) and one day a repairman was there. I entered the computer room and asked what was wrong with the VAX. The guy took one look at me and said, "It's broken." I didn't know whether to laugh or smack him. That kind of patronizing, condescending attitude is all too common. You've never experienced it? That's because you're not a woman trying to make it in a man's world.

Happily, right after he said that, the Director of the Computer Center (who is Barak's Dad laugh ), came in. He saw me and the repairman, and said to the repairman, "Oh, let me introduce you to Dr. XXX, our Director of Academic Computing." I thought the repairman was going to wet himself.


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. --Hebrews 11:1