I believe that all of our presidents had families also. Did that make them a part time president and a part time parent? I don't think so. Sure would be nice if we could all just stay home and raise our kids without working.

What you are talking about is a double-standard. One standard for men and another for women. I am NOT a women's libber by any means but I do recognize the fact that women are just as capable as men when it comes raising a family and working. Some men are just as able to stay home and raise a family while the wife works. I see nothing wrong with that as long as the spouse at home is actually working at raising the family and not laying about living off the hard work of the spouse. (insert father or mother in place of spouse).

This isn't the 50's and Mrs. Cleaver is no longer the ideal that women look up to. As the old Virginia Slims ads said "We've come a long way baby!" I'm not a libber but I for one do appreciate getting away from the old 'barefoot and pregnant' system that used to permeate society. I believe it is up to the husband and wife to decide who works to support the family or if they both should. It's nobody's business except theirs.

Derby it is time to come down off the mountain and find out what is really happening today. It tain't half bad down here.
