Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by Popapi
Originally Posted by jorgeI
So you're ok with Obama's views on abortion before AND after a child is born? And who doesn't bother to help his own brother who lives in a shack in the middle of Africa on twelve bucks a month? Better check with YOUR GOD on those and get back to us. jorge
Mr Jorge have you even heard his solid views as per abortion and what he thinks AFTER a child is born... Trust me I've checked with MY GOD and HOPEFULLY MY GOD is the same as yours if it's not then we can't even have these conversations................o and by the way as per my GOD in meaning GOD my creator, the creator of the Heavens and Earth, Lord Jesus Christ the SON of GOD, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible is how I roll. I'm hoping and praying you ROLL that way to...... DO YOU?????? Lastly that "C" note you want to do is a DONE DEAL... wink

Words to live by: Your soul might belong to GOD, but your ASS belongs to this world and Obama gives unborn children and even those after birth no chance at all. So you keep thumping your bible there Papi, while Obama keeps killing babies. Check his record. He is for ALL types of abortion and to deny life even to those that are born with defects. You're three fries short of a Happy meal Ace...jorge
Yes my soul does belong to GOD like I said earlier as per Mr. Obama's rights on abortion that will be something I'll have to pray about, and yes I'll keep thumping the Bible to the grave that is something you should do to as well Mr. Jorge. So why question my mentality as in saying "I'm three fries short of a Happy meal". I've done nothing but respect you could you do the same for me, if not don't reply to my post and I'll do likewise and all we'll talk about is the "C note" after the elections in Nov...