Originally Posted by ropes
Lets see ... Sister Sarah may have been called "barracuda" but she is also known as the "Wasilla Barbie" ..... she is not known for her intelligence.

She has about a 'medium' rating by most Alaskans on how she has done since she became Gov. Not a stellar or excellent Gubernatorialship at all.

She was all for our 'bridge to nowhere' before the media hype on it ... Then she was totally against it. But she did snarfull all those Fed $'s up and use it for Anchorage area projects. Also at the same time she canceled or postponed many much needed DOT project here in S SE Ak except the part of the 'bridge to nowhere' $'s used to continue the 'road to nowhere' (which is just about complete and ends at the abutment to the 'bridge to nowhere') ......

Even though, when asked about her views on moving the capitol to Anchorage, during her election, she said she was totally against it. But she is on record, many times, supporting the capitol move. She is now conducting business out of her Anchorage office.

I think she'll fit right in with the 'good ole boy network' !!!!!

She has over an 80% approval rating up here, hardly "medium." That is almost 10 times what the congress has. And if anyone won't fit the good ole boy network it is Sarah. Knowledge of an issue would be good before speaking.

" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson.

Molon Labe