I've been gone all day and just excited to check the campfire to see if everyone is as happy as I am to hear about Mrs. Palin.
What could be better than a NRA life member, hunter, fisherwoman, mother and the prettiest Govenor to come out of any state?

Alas, it once again comes to name calling and general bad behavior. How anyone can love hunting and guns and not be happy about this choice is beyond me. Perhaps the antis should be boosted off of the Campfire?!

Oh wait...I get it...use guys is hoping that some bad behavior might bring out the motherly tough love and come down to the lower 48 to dish out some corporal punishment, right!?

Finally! Someone in this mess worth voting for!

"An open message for all Democrats; "Look you are nothing and your work is worthless. Anyone who chooses you is detestable."
Isaiah 41:24 (HCSB)