Originally Posted by Sassy
Originally Posted by derby_dude
I'm nervous with a Mom who has four children left at home with one having special disabilities that requires a full time Mom.

I read Dan Quayle's book of his Vice-President experiences with small children. It wasn't pretty and he was a Father not a Mother.

Puleezeeeeeee....You are quoting Dan Qualye, I repeat Dan Qualye.
(Sorry I was raised in a democrat household in Indiana!)

From what I can see she has teenagers that appear to be clean cut responsible kids (that is no small feat in this day and age). One of them even joined the army and I'll bet the courts didn't make it a suggestion. She is proud of her kids and they seem to be quite well raised even though she is holding a 24/7 job as Governor.

I stayed home and raised my kids except for a few brief periods when it was necessary for me to work and my kids turned out to be good, well rounded individuals but it wasn't just because I stayed home with them. It was because they had responsible parents who raised them well. (Pat on my own and Greenhornet's

I have friends and relatives where both father and mother worked and guess what they also raised good, well rounded individuals. Those kids had more things than mine did but they appreciated them as mine would have if I had done the same thing.

My mother worked almost everyday of her adult life as did my father and none of my three siblings or I are alcoholics, druggies, or in prison, and never have been. We were taught you had to work to earn something and make something of yourself. None of us are divorced or separated, and we are all happily married.

It's the FAMILY VALUES you are taught by your parents. I think Sarah Palin and her husband have taught and are teaching their children good family values!

I think she will manage quite nicely as our vice-president and her children will be better for it. And I truly believe our country will be better for it.

I'm getting off of my soapbox now, I'm getting dizzy from the height.

All four of my grandparents worked while raising their kids (both my parents amongst them). They worked alternating shifts when the kids were young.