Originally Posted by BobinNH

The rifle will flop.

Better than even chance you are correct.

Thing is, even a Nula for the most part has a small cult following. The shooters here and some of the serious ones know, but go to the range with a Nula and since they shoot well some become curious. Always fun to hand them the rifle and they are taken back by its light weight. Next question will be who makes it? Tell them it is a Nula and you will get, "Who are they?" Tell them it is Melvin Forbes from close by in WV and no bells are rung. The Colt Light Rifle brings about the same response. And from what I see at the range, while most like a well made rifle they are quite content with the Rem, Win, Sav, Tika, etc level of weight, quality and accuracy. Combine it with the fact most don't carry a rifle around enough to get excited and dig out the extra cash to pay for light and probably not all that willing to pay for an unknown product.

Kimber spends large dollars on advertising for their entire lineup. They promote themselves. Melvin essentially relies on word of mouth and his personality along with a few writers that speak highly of his rifle. Forbes? Perhaps they also made the mistake of thinking Melvin Forbes and Nula are household names with shooters and hunters; because they are part of the cult. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of the Titan guys also a worked for Colt at one time.

Forbes perhaps will make a great rifle. Next thing is to figure out how to make buyers.

Last edited by battue; 06/11/14.

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