You're just reiterating the 2010's version of the same story that has been around since forever.

"Ya heerd tell o' these new 'Express' rifles? They shoot a lighter bullet at high velocity, some of'em gettin' well over 2000 fps!"

"This new thutty-thutty will kill an elephant, that is if'n there were any elephants her 'bouts..."

"This .270 shoots so flat..."

"The 7mm Remington Mag shoots flat for 200 yards and then rises up some..."

"This (insert magic bullet here) not only bucks the wind, it actually turns into the wind so you gotta hold opposite windage of what you would have..."

I suspect the paradigm was old when Ugg tried tying some string to a stick and launching tiny little spears with it.

Just enjoy what you like and don't allow others to tell you how to feel about something.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!