Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by antlers
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -
Mahatma Gandhi

Quoting Ghandi???
Yeah, it's good to listen to the counsel of wise men and add to our learning.
I have heard this quote many times spoken by smug concieted Hindus.
As opposed to those spoken by smug, conceited, elitist 'Christians'. They were the ones who put forth the Declaration of Independence in committee and later drafted the Constitution.
You mean the ones who came up with all of that good stuff about freedom and all men being created equal...while being slave owners themselves, or endorsing slavery.
If you hate Christians why not move to Bombay or Delhi or Calcutta and immerse yourself in the culture of Ghandi?
Why don't you, IF you profess to be a 'Christian'...simply do what Jesus commanded and besides loving God with everything you have...also love others as much as you love yourself. Your 'think the way I do and feel the way I do or leave the country' attitude is both predictable and lame.

Call me lame if you wish... But I think you owe a tip of the hat to the better aspects of Christianity that added to what became America... and an America that you enjoy residing in. It is concieted hypocrisy to quote Ghandi and not want to live over there in that land literally covered in human and animal dung, without reliable clean potable water and demon idols on every corner.

You just hate Christians because you enjoy hating them. Like most folks. You don't have an argument when you consider the broad sweep of world history in the last 2000 years.

The land of human beings is a broken sinful fallen mess everywhere you go. Those places where Christian grace has affected some of the folks are the better places in the world. No one can deny it.

Moslems and Hindus don't have a Salvation Army that will come along and pull a drunk out of the gutter, clean him up, regenerate his soul and set him free.

Last edited by Robert_White; 07/15/14.

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.