The Bible says God prevented the Jews from building idols to represent God. God punished the Jews when they made the golden calf as a representation of God. The reason the Jews hold the Torah in such high reverence is because the Torah is the closes thing they can have to represent God.

We are not made in the image of God but rather He is made in our image. Even if one were to say but our soul is made in the image of God and that maybe true but we have no concept of what the soul looks like or even is. [/quote]

In your opinion. Your opinion however is very different from my Bible. I'll stick with my Bible.[/quote]

I would expect nothing less but my opinion is fact and your Bible even says so. [/quote]


Aw 'cmon... your opinion is fact? That needs some explanation or I will think you're just joshing us.

But, back to the golden calf. It was not made as a "representation" of God. It is with great interest that I note that the golden calf was made BY the people to BE A GOD that goes BEFORE us. Simply, a god of their own creation. They wanted a god to serve them and that might be able to control. Your opinion on this may be "fact" but few Bible interpreters would agree with you.

You did say something that is quite interesting. You said that
He, God, has been made in our image. Most false religions in the world have a "god" that is made up by man. There, we have a few points of agreement.

Anyway, gotta go... packing for a trip...

Keep it up!


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”