Pure, unadulterated baloney.

Either the world is 6000 years old and the dinosaurs never existed...or the dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago and evolution was the path God took to create the universe.

You give a false dichotomy. There is at least a third possibility:

God�s Word is correct and to be understood just the way He narrated the Genesis account to Moses. That means the dinosaurs were created on the sixth day along with Adam and Eve. Remember God instructed Job, starting in chapter 38, to consider several animals we are quite familiar with. They lived at the time. God finished with a couple very strange to us creatures. One was a fire breathing dragon and the other was an animal so large it had a tail like a cedar. I attended a lecture by an archeologists which did not include discussing the above. Never the less he did mention something to the effect, �If a legend shows up in five different cultures it is rooted in real history.� Fire breathing dragons are mentioned in Europe, England, China, Japan, Korea, Philippines and where else? Israel!

If you do a search on BING you can find dinosaurs drawn on cave walls and pottery along side of animals we are familiar with. I saw a photo of a Catholic priest�s grave who died about five hundred years ago. It was adorned with various animals, including two dinosaurs. I remember one devout evolutionist who thoroughly believed in molecules to man. He once said, �I have no trouble believing in most of what Darwin said. But he was totally wrong about dinosaurs dying out millions of years ago. They lived with modern man.�

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter