Originally Posted by Ringman


Fossils have been around for millennium not unlikely ancient people would have seen fossils. Advanced civilizations have come and gone.

As a member of the Museum of The Rockies it's impossible for us puny humans to have co-existed with dinosaurs. Plus no human remains have been found in the dinosaur epic not even in their poop.

No matter how you Creationist Christians spin it your spin does not hold up to scrutiny.

First, I agree fossils have been around for thousands of years.

Second, there are ten articulated fossils of humans in the same strata as dinosaurs. They were discovered in a mine in Moab, Utah. The owner of the mine called in a professor who dated the area at one hundred forty million years. The owner threatened a law suit to get his fossils back after the scientists had determined they were fully modern man.

Why do you think there are books being written on the new science of Out of Place Artifacts? Either man�s bones or artifacts are found in every strata of the supposed geological column. But, the artifacts are not out of place if one accepts God�s Word at face value. After all there was a world wide flood which mixed things together all over the world.

I don't buy humans co-existed with dinosaurs and it'll take more than one mine to convince me. Humans could not possible have existed with dinosaurs. Nor do I believe that the Bible is pure history nor do I believe that the Bible especially the Book of Genesis is how the world started. Call me Doubting Derby.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude