Given that we often discuss many of our personal holdings, there are many out there that I do not want to readily furnish an inventory for. Likely they are not the regulars here, but we do not know who else might be lurking. A little googling and map questing could put them on my doorstep with ease, and we often mention upcoming trips etc that would reveal pending longterm absences. Also, none of us are truly hiding. If the powers found some evidence that one of us was involved in less than shiny behavior, they could show up near your keyboard in short order. It's actually quite amusing how much personal information can be gleaned from these pages. Aside from the obvious material listed for each of us, many post pictures that yield things like house numbers and addresses as well as vehicle license numbers etc. The dark side figured out how to exploit the web long ago, so I would rather keep everyone safe instead of sorry. 1Minute
