Easy there Mike, I know where you live, well kinda, and if gas wasn't so expensive, I'd drive down there and uh buy you a beer or something.

I ain't hard to find, Fairbanks is a small enough burg, ain't too many hairdresser/philosopher/ex guides around named Randy that I'm aware of.

If I disagree with you, you're liable to know it, if I feel like you treat me with disrespect your liable to get that hint fairly quickly too.

If you want to dot my eyes or harass me, you missed being first in line along time ago.

If you want to do me or mine harm, bring a lunch.

Dieing can't be that hard, lot's of folks have done it before me.

It's this living thing that's tricky.

Lot's of good info and good folks here, a few that are having a bad day occassionally, some that seem to have a lifetime of bad days.

Some like to tease, others like to get onery, to me it's still worth it for the camaraderie and the knowledge I glean from this place. YMMV

"This ain't dress rehearsal....it's the life you get to live, make it a good one."

TEAMWORK = a bunch of people doing what I say