
If you have been posting on the Internet for 13 years and you still don't understand why people prefer to use handles rather than their real names then you really are a slow learner.

The ability to state one's views anonymously is exactly why so many people chose to particpate in forums.

Being anonymous gives everyone equal status in a debate, since the participants can't "pigeon hole" their opponents and attempt to gain advantage in the discussion by simply disparaging the other person's background or experience.

As a relative newcomer to this forum, I have yet to encounter
any of the "wimps" you are referring to, as a matter of fact, most of the time when people don't like what I say here they tend to literally "kick my butt".

I knew I had to ask him about the mysteries of life, he spit between his boots and he replied:

"it's faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money"
