If I may toot my own horn a bit, here's an opus that worked

But did you go back to read the responses?

Gene I think you really missed the mark on this subject; regarding the use of an alias as interpreted as one looking for a way of hiding from their opinions. I don't believe that of most here, I believe most here would state the same opinions face to face.

I had my name out here for two years and never had a problem, but now I have decided on an alias, The alias is for family security, security from theft, security from the unknown, not as a way of stating an opinion that I don't have the nads to back up. I'm sure there are kids out there that use an alias for your stated reasons, but I'm pretty sure most I have debated here would re-state their same opinions face to face.

As an LEO, I believe you must understand that train of thought.

As I disagree with Gene on this subject I also disagree with the tactic of attacking and piling on over one of rebutal or ignore...this is really getting out of hand.