Gene,i've posted before my Handle story:i'm Dave and was called an "Average shooter"proceded to whup the snot out of this practical tactical ninjafied heartbreaker lifetaker....hey! he was in Law enforcement too and his $4000.00 handgun.As far as your attitude to .280 barak and i reckon by extension barak's womn,never met .280 don't know his real name and you'll have to search long to find this Bama man to say anything bad about him we disagree...but we agree to disagree.Barak? ok maybe he's that bad? should "we" as Redneck right wingers refuse to acknowledge other points of view? i don't even if they are wrong.As to Penny(Said in my best Southern Ainglish)I do not cotton to so called Men who wish to argue with Ladies it's simply not proper,not proper at all.i have found nothing but polite discourse here at the fire,if that bothers you Sir please do not tarry.

Bangflop! another skinning job due to .260 and proper shot placement.