Or...if your MIL were to be put up the ranch for sale eventually, BLM or another agency could purchase it and open a nice size chunk up to the public. Doesnt it work both ways? I know that how most of the state forest and game lands were procured where Im from.

All the rifles in the world are no good to me without game and country to roam. Game needs habitat, the population is growing, growing population needs a place to live, shop, haul there garbage to, etc. The more land set aside for Game, the better. This is why I am much more generous to wildlife based sportsman organizations than just gun/2nd amendment organizations. Both have there places, but one has seen a surge, not so much for the other.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's