Ben's not just a member, he's the co chair, an employee of an environmental group just like his co chair Joel.
That said, you're absolutely right, people can join and work for any outfit they want, take whatever money they get, and write whatever they want that makes their funders happy.
But the fact is, TRCP and BHA CLAIM to represent all sportspeople when they don't. TRCP actually claims to represent 9 million sportspeople, which I find completely without credibility. NRA has only 5 million.
Consider that TRCP's budget is no more than 6 million. 60 cents a member per year? Really?
Never mind that, even if true, TRCP DOESN'T represent the bulk of the claimed 37 million who still hunt and fish in America. Nah -- TRCP and BHA do the bidding of their funders, big, leftist foundations that dump millions into Environmentalism, Inc -- not sportsmen.
So, they can CLAIM whatever they want, but I have a right to express my own view. Free country, ya know.
I put up Ben Long's essay so that others could read his own words, which Ben of course is free to write.
At least he, unlike you, puts his name to what he writes.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.