Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Fire management or what, Jim? Was he a let it burn or out by 10 kind of fellow?

I have my office at the headquarters of a USFS contractor "task force." The only reason these guys do it is because the checks clear and they need the money. Otherwise, they'd rather be logging these same areas BEFORE the fires blow up.

As for smoker, okay, false canard is repeating the same general concept, that of a red herring. Happy? Bringing up the Elliot was a canard, a complete red herring.

He was an out by 10 fellow.

Instead of letting everything burn, he liked they way they used to do it.

Grazing and logging.

I reckon you can manage a forest like an apartment complex. You can have tenants, and show some income through out the year. The tenants provide a revenue stream so you can afford to fix the place up.

They way they do it now, its like owning a rental property that you purposefully keep vacant. Sooner or later the damn thing will burn down or become so infested with termites that you are left with a trash heap. All the money you spent managing the damn thing will be wasted.

I am MAGA.