Dave - I'm trying to stay out of this because I really don't have a well formed opinion - but I have read all the posts. It seems to me your whole argument is built on woulda, coulda, shoulda, and innuendo. I don't care if Hilary Clinton wants to donate $4 gazillion dollars to the NRA, Trump's campaign, or the fund for hootchiepucker fish - it doesn't matter. What does matter is the strings that come attached to that money. If that's your point, state that overtly - without all the pontification and innuendo.

I'm a pretty simple guy and not all that bright. In simple terms, what is the cause and effect you have been trying to convey. I don't want to hear any conjecture, innuendo, pontification, none of that. Simply: Joe Smith gave organization X $Y and the organization did Z in conflict with __________ which harms _________.

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.