Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
But the fact is, TRCP and BHA CLAIM to represent all sportspeople...

No they don't Dave, that's a ridiculous claim. BHA never claimed to represent all sportsmen. They just reached the 10,000 mark, which is a milestone they've published and are proud of. That's hardly all sportsmen. They represent sportsmen who value roadless backcountry, as the name implies.

Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
At least he, unlike you, puts his name to what he writes.

Not true Dave, I put my name on what I write. I hope you're not implying that I'm afraid to do that? Because that would be "chizzing on a personal level" and I know you don't like that.

I don't consider yanking your chain on this internet forum "writing," do you? I consider it cheap entertainment. But I am flattered that a real writer would be interested in my name so here's a link to a magazine where something I wrote was published. It's the feature story. I think you're really gonna like this magazine Dave!!:


Dang Dave, I just noticed that the online version of the magazine is sponsored by Weatherby!! Who knew they were leftists and part of the Soros/Obama/Streep cabal?? I can smell a story here Dave, this is gonna blow wide open!!

Come to think of it, Kimber donates firearms every year to help BHA raise funds, more leftists Dave, smoke 'em out!!

A wise man is frequently humbled.