Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Smoker, How come you didn't respond to my stuff about Podesta? Oh, I'm right about him?

I did Dave, you may want to go back and read my post. Podesta is irrelevant and just another red herring you've thrown out. Besides, Podesta is small potatoes, when are you gonna drop the hammer and work Hillary into the conversation?

And if you want to start keeping track of responses, go back and tally up the questions I've posed to you that have gone unanswered, then we can talk.
Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Why would an elk hunter donate to BOTH Defenders of Wildlife and a "hunting" group like BHA? That just doesn't compute.

I don't know Dave, why would an elk hunter do that? I don't know any elk hunters who donate to both so I can't help you.

Why don't you find an elk hunter who's done that and ask him the question?

Oh, that's right, it's another one of those questions you're not really interested in the answer to. Because it's more useful to you unanswered. You love those, dontcha?

Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Do you really think that BHA's goals aren't influenced in the least by Mr. Wyss's donations

Well let's see Dave, I believe there's an easy way to answer that one. You could check and see what BHA's goals were before Mr. Wyss made his donations, and then check and see if the goals changed any after the donations. But then again, that would answer your question and I'm pretty sure you're not interested in answers, just posing questions.

Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Tell ya whut -- why don't you and Randy and Buzz go to BHA leadership and ask for the BHA's Schedule B to be posted HERE as a link...

Why don't you Dave? I'm not really interested. Because if a Swiss billionaire wants to contribute big $$ and it helps fend off the short-sighted, harebrained idea of selling off the one asset that makes hunting in North America unique in the world, I'm all for it.

A wise man is frequently humbled.