As a Fed Govt worker myself, working in the oil and gas sector, I can say with quite honesty most of my fellow coworkers 100% believe in the usefulness of proper grazing, logging, drilling and mineral extraction in general. There are a few greenies in my office that hate drilling and grazing, but not too many. The wells on state lands around here look absolutely horrible, with constant hazmat spills, contaminated soils, trash everywhere, etc. WY state cares about the royalties off the oil and gas wells only...not the management of their lands. I deal with it every day.

It's the laws in Washington that need revamped...Every lawsuit that comes in gets millions of taxpayer money spent fighting it...while WildEarth Guardians, Western Watersheds, etc. don't pay a dime for their FOIAs, litigation demands, and whatever else...its frustrating to say the least to hear the greenies refer to the BLM as the Bureau of Livestock and Mining and the Forest Service other colorful names, cause they think that's all that happens out there.

The states simply wouldn't be able to fight the lawsuits, much like the fires, and I 100% believe the lawsuits would get substantially worse with state management. The greenies will just file in state court instead of district court. You can guess where the situation would go from there...