Podesta is fundamentally relevant. Leader of a 40 million dollar "government in exile for liberals" (google that); White House Chief of Staff to Obama, campaign COS to Hillary, Hillary's planned nominee for Energy Secretary, and high-dollar consultant to a major foreign donor to "progressive" political nonprofits....that's REAL small potatoes, a total red herring.
If an elk hunter won't donate, why is Mr. Wyss donating like he does, and why are these "hunters and anglers" happily taking his anonymous money?
And do you think dark money groups like BHA would ever disclose their funders openly? Of course not, because that would expose the realities behind the facade.

Enjoy your denial, Smokey, right up until the point you hit bottom. It'll be sooner than you think, sadly.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.