Man, what a load of crap. At the least you sound like someone who has something to hide, or ran into a bad cop at some point and have never gotten over it. We have all run into one at some time, but a few choose to generalize and preach that all cops are tainted, power-hungry, twisted bastards. I bet all teachers are that way too, because you got in trouble by one of them for smoking at school. You need to lighten up on it and realize that not all of these people are as dimented as you'd like to paint them to be. If your attitude is like this every time you run into a person in authority, it seems pretty clear that you likely have seen the tougher side of them. They have no idea what's going on in that skull of yours, but it's very likely not something to warm up to. Get off the paranoid Gestapo thing and grow up a little.