I truly fear for this country and I have lost all hope when I see posts where people ask me to feel sorry for the cop who shot the old blind guy. Executing people is tough. That is why the Nazis started using gas, the guards couldn't handle the emotional stress of shooting that many people. The better question is, what in the hell were the cops doing in that old man's home in the first place? Did one marijuana plant on a 650 acre ranch warrant federal, state, and local police storming his house and busting down his door in an early morning raid? Can it be a coincidence that the city council had tried to unsucessfully annex his property earlier in the year and that federal drug statutes would allow them confiscate it if it were found to be used in the growing or manufacture of drugs? The point is, what were these cops thinking? Did they honestly think it was right to go into this old guy's house? If not, why did they go? Just following orders? We hung people at Nurenburg who were just following orders. My point is cops go around wondering why everyone hates them and having a persecution complex. Happenings like this are why.

Why is it necessary to execute a no knock warrant with overwhelming force on an old man's house with no felonies on his record who has one marijuana plant on his property? Average law abiding citizens are not expecting the cops to break down their door. If my door is broken down, I'm going for a gun because I'm not thinking it is going to be the cops. I'm thinking it is going to be criminals out to do me harm. Of course, I can't see much difference in this sort of situation. In any case, do none of you LEOs see how in many cases these no knock warrants could actually INCREASE the chance of someone getting shot, usually the suspect. I suppose you don't really care about the suspect because afterall his is a SUSPECT. That is the attitude I am talking about. I am not asking you to go politely up to a drug dealer or murderer and politely ask him to go downtown. I am asking you to question why it is necessary to execute a no knock warrant on an old man or a tax evader. Do you not understand that it may increase the risk for everyone? What about human dignity? Cops like to be known as public servants. One of the key defining characteristics of a servant is that he values his worth or welfare second to someone else's. LEOs appear to use the maximum amount of force to protect their own lives when that force places members of the public in danger. Remember, a person is innocent until proven guilty and that suspect is most likely a taxpayer and therefore, technically one of your employers and a member of the public to whom you purport to be a servant.

As to the statement that I should work to change the laws. I ask which of the many many thousands should I work to change. Which of the presidential orders, regulatory rules and procedures, congressional mandates, federal laws, state regulatory rules, state and federal tax laws, local regulatory rules, local tax laws, state laws, and local laws should I work to change first. A violation of any one or combination of these could result in someone coming to my door to arrest me. Odds are, I am violating one without even knowing it.

My whole point is that just because the cop down the street is nice guy, gives your kid a ride home from school occasionaly, and seems to treat his wife well does not mean that he is not on the cutting edge of an increasingly oppressive system. It does not mean that he wouldn't participate in a raid on your house and possibly shoot you if ordered to do so. I don't hate all cops individually or necessarily even as a whole. I do, however, have no illusions as to what their true role in society is becoming. My point is that LEOs cannot continue to enforce laws that are unreasonable with the maximum amount of force without expecting to become unpopular. I also ask that LEOs (those that think anyway) to ponder their role in the system and ask themselves if it is something they wish to continue doing.