EBD: So what is the answer? Ignore the problem and turn the other way?

What I am telling you is this: Ignoring it or decriminalizing it will not work. Whatever is bad now, will get much worse.

Just because evil seems to have the upper hand doesn't mean that we can quit fighting it and hope it will disappear.

One reason for the failure of prohibition was that alcohol was already widely accepted in society, and then outlawed. Illegal drugs have always been illegal and should stay that way. If you make it legal, or decriminalize it, what are you really saying? "It's okay, it's really not that bad. Go ahead, if it feels good do it." This kind of attitude is exactly what leads to our general decay of good moral values.

It will get us nowhere. I don't know what the correct answer is. I do know what the wrong answer is.

Like I have stated before: This country is on the way down and will not get back up to its past glory. But I will not go down with it. I refuse to quit fighting, and I refuse to believe that there aren't lots of decent people out there.

Proverbs 1:7 - The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.