I am I hearing that my B.A. in History and French has taught me nothing? I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a 3.89 grade point average on a 4 point scale. I was inducted into five Honor Societies including Phi Kappa Phi. I was chosen History Student of the Year two years in a row, but I�m being told that I know nothing of history.

Apparently my Master�s in History with heavy emphasis on psychology, anthropology, government, and sociology had little impact on my knowledge of those subjects; though I graduated 4.0 on a 4 point scale.

I was raised in a Pentecostal home with my Great-Grandfather, Great-Grandmother, my Grandfather, and my Mother all preachers; my Mother was an evangelist for 50 years before being killed by a truck driver asleep at the wheel. Yet to hear it I know nothing of the Bible or scripture.

Apparently everything that I have learned in school, college, graduate study, and a lifetime of scriptural related activities, as well as personal experiences have taught me nothing but BS.

That being the case, I will abandon the field to those two fountains of perfect knowledge and understanding whose logical conclusions have so stunned and amazed us.

Well, gosh. If we have to present acreditted credentials for this discussion, then I guess I'm out.

I guess I wasted all that time studying government, history, and human psychology on my own time since graduating high school (25 years ago), if I can't produce a sheepskin to validate it. I woulda loved to attend, but I had to pay bills instead - woe is me. It's a real shame too - since that means I also missed out on the official indoctrination that sheepskin requires. Dang.

And it appears that I am twice cursed, because there were no preachers or evangelists in my family. Just Bible studying and believing Christians.

I guess I had to learn everything the hard way. (whimper)

Didn't all that schoolin' teach you how to debate without pulling rank?


Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.