Perhaps I can illustrate a point:
I have a nephew who is a policeman for a largess (60-70k) city. He is, in my opinion, a fine young man. Ex-marine, doesn't drink, good family life. Try's to do his job correctly. In this city, officers are expected to supply their own longarms. Most, of course, opt for an AR15 variant. My nephew has a lever action 30-30. Why? Two reasons according to him- one, the weapons are carried in the trunks of their vehicles. A rear end collison doesn't destroy a $1500 weapon. Second, and this is his words, the lever gun is "less intimidating"... Doesn't sound like some of the "black hooded, armed to to the teeth, Nazi types" does it?
So, to the crux of the matter: Would this fine young man bust down a door of a citizen and shoot to kill? You bet your life he would. Why? Because that's the WAY HE HAS BEEN TRAINED! It would not occur to him to question if it was the right thing or not!
So I think Mr Crosstoe has a point. There is a SYSTEM problem. I don't however, think it is the responsibility of the individual officer to question/change/ignore the "system". They have a job to do, and they are going to do it they way they have been trained.
So what's the answer? Other than the generic "we all have to do our job as citizens" I don't know. In the city mentioned above, there is an apartment complex locally known as "Crackville". When the officers get a call for that complex -which happens routinely- they go in armed with longguns, and NEVER singly. The idea is (and this is my nephew speaking) "to intimidate enough so trouble doesn't start". So while the call itself maybe a minor thing, it could escalate...
Personally, I have never run across a "bad cop". I'm sure that's just luck, and the fact I have very little dealings with law enforcement. I'm also sure there are "bad cops" out there. Two recent incidents in Houston, the shooting and killing of a couple of young (12-14) boys seems questionable. Although, the second one might have been an AD, the circumstances seem to be that the cops reacted THE WAY THEY HAD BEEN TRAINED, using overwhelming force, that led to a possible AD....