For most of the history of the world, there was no such thing as an organized police force. For the most part, we got along fine.
Exactly. This is something that most Americans cannot seem to grasp anymore. The idea of a police force is a modern one, and historically more associated with tyranny than liberty. In a free society (as we once had) there is an elected official called the Sheriff. He enforces the laws, and is subject to being voted out on a regular basis if he abuses his authority. If he needs extraordinary assistance from time to time, he anounces the need for armed citizens to bring their weapons (look up "posse cumitatus" in Black's Law Dictionary), and he organizes the show of force in such a way as to minimize violence. Regular Joes from the community are far less likely to shoot granny after breaking down her door. If he needs a couple of full-timers, he applies for the additional funds to hire them, but the important thing is that he is extremely accountable to his local community. He is on a short leash, and that is as it should be. What we call "police power" is not something that should be given to anyone not immediately answerable to the people. This whole notion of a police force is a modern one, and it has proven itself a bad idea in a free society. In a free society, most people protect themselves, and there is little need for MP5 armed commandoes running around blasting doors down and shooting granny in her PJs.