CJ's right - it's NOT just cops.

Now that I got your attention, I'd like to expand on part of Lawdog's post...

...Laws are made by elected officials that YOU(by you I mean people) help put in office. You don't like a law, go out and work to change the law...

Too many citizens think that just because THEIR guy lost (or even won) the election that they have or need no say in the legislative process. The game is NOT over the day of the election. Freedom requires CONSTANT active participation in government (politics).

The reason we have so much done TOO us by politicians is because they know that relatively few people are really watching, and even fewer will take effective action to right governmental abuses. So it ain't just cops - it's US.

Sure - I've heard all the excuses, like "most folks don't have the time or money to be politically active". The truth is - in THIS country, at least - MOST OF US have the time and/or the money to make a difference. We just don't care enough. We'd rather spend our leisure time in front of the boob tube or down at the bowling alley. We'd rather spend all our extra cash on another toy or another adventure.

Friends, I see this pathetic stuff all the time. I am constantly involved in the political system - all year, every year. It amazes me to see 1) how much difference a few dedicated people can make, and 2) how pitifully few people are willing to get actively involved.

In fact - the folks who are most likely to get involved, in many cases, are the ones who don't mind seeing YOUR rights go down the toilet! They are the ones looking for a handout or for a Big Brother. WHILE YOU SLEEP, they plan and execute their next "improvements".

The kicker is - THERE AIN'T THAT MANY OF THEM! We (freedom lovers) could outnumber them easily, if we would just get off our duffs (or spend less time in the woods) and make a showing.

Legislatures and City councils do respond to pressure from the people - in spite of the nay-saying that you may hear (or speak). I SEE IT. I LIVE IT. You cannot convince me otherwise. And if you try, I will know that you have little or no experience in the matter.

You cannot send your $34 a year to the NRA and expect the NRA to do all the work. It takes more than that. It takes some sacrifice. It may mean you don't get to take that fishing trip sometimes. Or you can't have that new wide-screen TV. You may have to take heat from the wife and kids while you give them a civics lesson in why it is more important for you to take a day off work than to buy that new "thing", or to spend some vacation time lobbying for freedom instead of Disneyland.

If you do less, while piling on the cops for all the abuses of government, then IMO you are guilty of hypocrisy. You want the LEO community to take all the heat for resisting bad law? Well, ain't that just the way we (The People) are.

I put to you that if we can't do better than that, then we DESERVE what we are stuck with. And no amount of cop-bashing will help us.

Some of you may say, "I do my part. I write letters. I attend legislature and city council meetings. I lobby for freedom. I participate in protest, etc." To those, I say - "great!" But you and I both know that we are in the minority - EVEN HERE.

We can make all the excuses and accusations that we want - but the bottom line is "...the people get the government they deserve". Freedom is EARNED - not inherited!

FreeMe (rant at idle)

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.