So far some folks have insulted my nickname, of which I am very proud, my ethnicity, of which I am very proud, called me a �sociopath�, called me, a veteran, a hater of America, and a score of other personal insults; but hey, if that�s all you�ve got�, go with it.

The cops say they have taken an oath to defend the laws of the land, and then turn around and say they are a brotherhood and have to stick together, and while some of the cops are bad guys, not all are. Okay, if you are in a brotherhood with bad guys and backing them up; you�re a bad guy. If a cop is enforcing the laws of the land, then enforce them on everyone. If the cop is only enforcing them on people who are not part of the brotherhood, then the cop is saying his group is above the law and violating his first oath.

As long as the cops consider themselves a brotherhood and allow bad guys into their group they are supporting breaking the law. This makes them all party to any crime committed by any of their club members. This makes them all villains.

"When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung."

Henry Ward Beecher