Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
How exactly would you know that your spot was taken because of affirmative action?

Do you just start off with the assumption that you're better and smarter than black people and go from there?
laugh First off, I was never in police academy. Furthermore, after scoring 98th percentile on the entrance exam shortly after high school, and after being informed that my score put me in the first hiring slot, and that I should expect to be contacted in the next week or two about coming in for the physical, I was sent a letter informing me about the stay on the hiring process because a civil rights group sued the police department claiming the test was racist since no blacks made it into the first or second hiring slots based on their test scores.

Anything you've heard different has been the product of the fevered imaginations of the likes of Bob, who have ulterior motives for discrediting people with whom they cannot hold their own in honest debate.

PS This originally came up in the context of a thread about affirmative action.