weellllll, now boys,

i read about the 1st twenty or so posts on this thread and i feel like i might be able to offer perspective...

to start with i didn't hear C-joe say anything bad about cops as individuals..... i heard him say that the system which has led to a lot of mistakes and abuse needs a serious tuneup....... and i'll agree with that... so, i expect, would a lot of cops.....

further more i agree with him about this country becoming more and more like a fascist power all of the time.... throughout the last 3 decades i have despised the politics of the "bleeding heart political left" in this nation..... now i have a fundamentally right wing head of state in the white house who has just raped the constitution.... on television he smiles and waves and speaks of american ideals... the left wing and the right wing met on the dark side of the moon, and our nation may just be forfeit as a result.....

an old cop saying was "blue is thicker than blood"
this means that the cops will stick together, and when the whole community knows who the bad guys are this is fine... when a bad guy is defined as the guy who has a few too many rounds of ammo stockpiled in his house.....

an old prosecuters saying was "you can't make chicken salad out of chicken [bleep]".....
a lot of the things that we put people in prison for in the 60s is barely prosecuteable now.... conversely once minor offenses are felonies today...

on the other hand, i know a lot of cops, most of them pretty good guys with a strong sense of right and wrong. i've known a good few who were involved in shooting situations, and believe me, not a one of them just walked away with it... to the best of my knowledge, EVERY shooting where someone was injured or killed by a police officer, for the last 30 years has gone to a grand jury... this is after the dept makes it's own determination of whether the shooting was justified or not... and yes, mistakes are made by cops but nobody walks away grinning..... john w

"Chances Will Be Taken"