Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Most of the idiots posting here have never been victims of crime.

They believe that men are angels, or that they will shape up because a community wants them to play along with others.

Step into any city on the planet and the people living there can tell you otherwise.

Newsflash, men are not angels...

Bring back the local lynch mobs! Because they were arbiters of justice!.... TFF... crazy

Whatever do you do since there are no longer any phone booths in which you can change clothes?

Says the one that wants to do away with cops so that he can be the one in his neighborhood to determine justice. You're cracking me up!laugh

BTW, I'm no LEO, nor have I ever been. So, nice try...

I don't want to do away with cops. But I'm not silly enough to think that our civilization would end if there weren't any, or a lot fewer of them anyway. Police as we know them are an invention of the last 100 years. Prior to that Anglo-Saxon civilization existed for 1,500 years with more or less no law enforcement that we would recognize.
They also didn't have populations like we do today. They didn't have cities like we do today.

Group people together and you'll have somebody trying to take advantage of somebody else. How do you prevent that? Laws. Laws have no power if they are not enforced.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.