Originally Posted by isaac
And, it's closer to a 68% conviction rate with forensics,rather than PC, being the major reason for not guilty findings or acquittals;for those very rare cases that go to trial by jury.

I'll look forward to you having evidence to the contrary, cossatojoe.

But of course, with the administrative hearings, PC is generally the only issue. And surprisingly, they screw that up a lot too. In my area, they'll commonly screw that up where a local makes the stop and calls a DPS to actually administer the tests and make the arrest. Then they'll fail to document the PC properly. I had one last week where the arresting officer wrote everything in the third person so that his entire statement sounded like it was hearsay within hearsay and then he failed to even sign it. I simply said who I was and what I was there for and before I could even get out another word, the DPS attorney said, "We're dismissing that one. You can go and I'll send you an order."