Couple years ago my wife and I were waiting for our flight at O'Hare Airport in Chicago. I looked across the isle and asked my wife "isn't that that idiot Kaepernick?". It was, and for some reason, my wife felt the need to take a picture of him. One of his minions saw what my wife was doing and moved to stand between Kaepernick and my wife, blocking the attempted picture. I asked her to put her phone away, the puke wasn't worth taking a picture of. The minion came over and started to scold her for trying to "sneek" a picture. I told him to shut his pie hole and that the idiot wasn't worth beans and that I wasn't impressed with him in any way. I said all this rather loudly and the other people around us started to laugh. The minion walked away. This was at the time the Bears were looking for a quarterback and I hoped that wasn't the reason the idiot was in Chicago!

Another time I was up in Saskatoon Saskatchewan headed out for another Canadian adventure. An older man walked up to me and asked if I was a hunter. When I replied yes, he told me he's Jim Shokey's father, I replied "good for you". He then walked away.

I grew up with Bart Conner, the Olympic Gold Medalist in gymnastics back in the 80's. Bart went on to marry Nadia Comaneci.

All this and it was still $2 for a cup of coffee this morning!

It isn't what happens to you that defines you, it's what you DO about what happens to you that defines you!

NRA life member

Illinois State Rifle Association member