Kirk Herbstreit, at a WVU-UMD game. I was waiting in my second row seat for the crowd to disperse after the game and saw him standing in front of me on the field looking at the line to get out with an "oh schitt" look on his face. I said, "Can't you go out the same way as the players?" His little light came on and he headed for the tunnels.

Met Sam Huff at a local meeting about expanding the gambling at Charles Town races, back when there were only 400 slots. Chatted a bit. When I got back after saying my piece, he smiled and called me a rascal for speaking against the expansion. Seemed like a good guy. I still occasionally see his car on the road.

Ran into Sissey Spacek in a grocery store. She was all incognito in a big hat and dark glasses. I looked at her, she looked at me looking at her, then we both went on.

Met Ollie North in a local business. He shook my hand, asked me my name, and we talked a bit. My son once sold him a .410 at Gander Mountain when he still worked for Fox. A real gentleman, that one.

What fresh Hell is this?