Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by Tarquin

A sheriff once told me (not a deputy mind, you the sheriff himself) that people who want to become cops are generally people who enjoy controlling others. That's why they choose the profession...

Many cops become LE because they like the action and aren't afraid of dealing w/ evil people. Stereotyping individuals can be a sign of ignorance.

Many become cops cause their low IQ doesn't allow
much else... seeing Bubba in a uniform can make his
family proud that they have a high achiever.

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by Remsen

Interesting, I've never met a lawyer that wasn't a scumbag willing to lie on the behalf of other scum for a few nickels.

Those four cops have a right to an attorney,
but they can forgo that right and mount their
own defence.

Originally Posted by Crockettnj
Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
I wonder how many would change their tune if they had to walk in those cops’ shoes for a month.

I wonder what goes wrong in a mans head to cause him to embrace the behaviors of a fascist police state.

Gestapo and Einsatzgruppen tried the 'Nuremberg defence'
at their trials, but that won't fly here.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.