Didn't mean to reply to anyone specific, just the thread.

Kind of an interesting thread....and some not.

I guess what I don't like, which you see a lot of in the optics forum, is someone who has decided that what they have found to work for them is the best for them , therefore the best for everyone. This also eventually translates into if someone uses something else they are wrong , also probably stupid, etc.

Also , if you say something negative or critical then you are a HATER. I see it more in the few Leupold fanatics (not users necessarily) quite frankly.

My position is real simple. I bought my first 'good' scope 15-16 years ago when I lived in the Yukon. Leupold Vari XIII in 2.5X8, which I still have. Dandy scope, was planning on taking it to South Africa this year and it may go when I actually get there in 2011 (postponed for personal reasons). Or it may not.

In the meantime I have accumulated a few more scopes. I buy for useage/quality/price point. So I have several Weaver K4's & 6's, several Burris FFII in 3X9, two more Leupolds - FXII 6X36 (280 Rem. mountain rifle) and VXII 2X7 (specifically to sit on a 99F in 300 caliber, because of size, etc.).Also have an old Redfield in 4X , just because. I bought cry a Swaro A in 10X42 (or 44?) because it kept dropping in price. Finally @ 40% off I bought it. Want, not need PLUS to have some hands on.

I own all of these for various reasons/uses but NONE are perfect. All different/better in certain areas.

What I have found, which may be different than other's findings.

First I could (and would, maybe should)mount any one of these scopes on my 30/06 and be comfortable and good to go.

leupold - still like the old 2.5X8 and it has been dependable, fits nice on rifles, etc. The 2X7 'fits' the 99F , is a good quality scope. Same on the 6X36. BOTH of these 2 have the issues on initial zero discussed, the 6x36 the worst. Movements are different when zeroing and will be different, on different occasions. I get them there but they wander, simple as that. I only touch the adj. if they are off for some reason , including change guns/load, etc. They are the two worse scopes I have for this, could be just mine, not running them down, they just are.

Burris FFII I find to be very good. Mechanical adjustments , on mine are VERY consistent. This tends to lend confidence. I've used one of these VERY hard and its dependable. The others have got 'normal' use and I have no reason to doubt them. Size not quite as clean as the L's I have but OK. One of these would be my backup (possibly main) scope to go to South Africa. Optics, to my eyes, VERY close to the VXII and FXII, but probably not quite there.

Weavers, similar to Burris,in many respects. Maybe not as precise.

Swaro - awesome glass, adjustments are PRECISE, size/weight ratio also nice. We'll see about dependable through use. Its been bouncing around on my 223 (Stevens 200 eek ) because it was available (brother had borrowed the Burris off it) and I like it and shoot it a bunch. Recoil obviously not a test, its been on my non deer season 'truck gun' which can be a test at times.

So none are perfect and I know it - does this make me a 'hater' ?