Originally Posted by Pharmseller
Was slavery right in 1860?
Obviously it was wrong. Besides owning humans being of itself wrong, look at what it has done to this nation.

A substantial number of people readily identifiable by their appearance and overall lower in intelligence (there are exceptions) now form a sizable underperforming sub-culture in our society. This sub-culture provides us now with violent crime and other societal pathologies far in excess of their actual percentage of the population at large.

Besides that, think of the violence in Africa caused by the slave trade. How much war and killing was done by blacks in the efforts to capture humans to sell at the coast. White men were not going inland and capturing people to load onto ships. It was the blacks they contracted with to provide captives. If there hadn't been the demand there wouldn't have been the violence necessary to capture Negroes for the trade.

Now we have to live with them. And our homegrown slave stock will never rise to the level of the educated African black doctors and other professionals that have lately immigrated to America and fit in quite nicely.

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