Originally Posted by JamesJr
Morally, it can most certainly argued that slavery was wrong. However, in the mindset of that period of time, a very large number of people saw nothing wrong with it. Now, suppose we could fast foward in time to 150-200 years from now, and provided there is still a United States, or for that matter even life on Earth as we know it now, I believe that certain things that we consider to be both morally and legally right today, will be considered as wrong in that time period........just as we look back on the time frame in which slavery was legal.

My ancestors owned slaves, and it does not bother me in the least that they did. In that time period it was legal to do so, and was an accepted practice. I can't go back and change it, or question them as to why they did, and even if I could, it was the law of the land that they lived in that it was their right to do so. I'm not going to condemn someone who lived 200 years ago for doing what they thought was right, anymore than I want my grandchildren or great-grandchildren condeming me for doing what I had the right to do in the time that I lived in.
Yes indeed well said