Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by dassa
Say what you want about Lincoln. If not for his foresight there would be no "United States" as we know it today.
Are you happy with the United States as we know it today?
You have no idea what divided states would actually be like.
You are right, we don't know.

It couldn't be worse than what we became. At least we wouldn't be able to go all over the world getting involved in war.

Maybe we wouldn't be financially insolvent.

Maybe we would be 3 or 4 different countries getting along well enough but not strong enough to threaten peace all over the globe.


You would have been invaded and would not be independent.
By who?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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