Reconstruction was probably worse on the South than the war itself. Columbia University sponsored a series of studies on it in every state of the South. They are superb history. Factual and well documented, they are reviled by progs today. Racial clashes started way back then, not in Jim Crow era as we are told. Reparations and exploitation kept the South down for at least 80 years after the war ended. Lincoln was amoral and stupid. His eloquent oratory has sugar coated his monumental failures with an heroic legacy. He destroyed what he coveted most, tax revenue off of cotton, the most valuable commodity in the world. If he had lived he planned to deport every last African. Everyone back to Jefferson knew the races were too incompatible to live together as equals. We have yet to acknowledge distinct genetic and ancient cultural differences well enough to cope with an enormous problem. Thomas DiLorenzo exposes Lincoln for what he was in The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked. If everyone back then were fundamentally different from what they were, the outcome would have been far different. The problems of America as Empire, instead of Republic, might have been averted. Maybe not, men being men. But Lincoln Republicans voided the Constitution and set our current collapse in motion. John Wilkes Booth did them a favor.