I moved up here in '07, working for an Alaska Native Corporation. Shortly after, I was talking hunting with one of the Execs, who was from "the village" (on Prince William Sound).

"Roy," I asked, "What do you use to hunt brown bear?"
"My .270."

I was kinda surprised, so I asked what he used for moose.
"My 270."

A little puzzled, again, because I'd heard so much about the need for small thermonuclear devices to take down Alaska's critters. So I asked about blackies, sheep, goats, caribou and anything else I could remember being legal game up here. Also about bear defense while fishing freshwater. Always got the same answer -- "My .270."

"Roy, why do you use the .270 for everything?"

"It's the only rifle I've got..."

Last edited by FNG_IN_AK; 05/31/14. Reason: Mis-Spelling

Sitting in a bar having drinks with a friend� I casually pointed to two old drunks sitting across from us and said, �That�s us in ten years.� He said, �That�s a mirror, you moron.�